At Kenjgewin Teg, we believe that learning is a lifelong process and that defining our educational purpose will play a tremendous role in Bmaadziwin for our students, community and Nation.
Kenjgewin Teg offers a flexible adult learning environment that supports students on a variety of academic and career pathways.
Our Pathways Program includes Kenjgewin Teg Secondary School and the Maawndoo Kinoomaagasiwin (Literacy and Basic Skills) programs, Students in both programs have access to qualified instructors, reliable technology and a warm inviting adult atmosphere, key components which drive success.
“My experience with Kenjgewin Teg has been rather unique. Kenjgewin Teg’s holistic approach towards education creates an atmosphere of belonging. This approach makes education enjoyable, while also allowing Kenjgewin Teg to have that one of kind feeling.”
-Lakota P.
Anishinaabek people have had – and always will have – a connection to and be caretakers of Mother Earth. Our connection to the land and Shkagmikwe is the source of our undeniable and unbreakable resiliency.
Check out news, upcoming events, and career opportunities! Program announcements, skills training, and important messages from Kenjgewin Teg.
Summer/Fall Communique 2024
Niibin Giigdoowin–Summer Communique 2023
Ziigwan Giigdoowin – Spring Communique 2023
Biboon Giigdoowin – Winter Communique 2022/2023
Biboon Giigdoowin | Welcome 2022!
Niibin Giigdowin | Summer Communique 2022
Dwaagi Giigdoowin | Fall Communique 2022
Summer and Fall 2021
Shta-taa-ha! Kenjgewin Teg 2021 Graduation
Biboon miinwaa Mnookmi Giigdoowin 2021
Strategic Plan RFP & Open Director Positions!
Announcements from our Teaching and Learning programs!
Dgwaagi Giigdowin 2020 (Fall Communique 2020)
Winter Communique 2020
Fall Communique 2019
Niibin Giigdowin Summer Communique 2019
Aanii, Welcome To Our Recruitment And Upcoming News Email!