Anishinabek people are caretakers of Mother Earth who realize and respect her gifts of fire, water, earth and wind.
Anishinabek and most Indigenous peoples have a special relationship with Mother Earth and all living things. Environmental degradation affects the health and well-being of all living things: plants, fish, animals, and people.
Our School Environment
Creating a school environment that promotes normalization of positive and proactive environmental habits will support Earth’s sustainability for future generations. In addition to traditional knowledge learning as stewards of the land, of Mother Earth – as a collective body and place of learning, Kenjgewin Teg chooses on a regular basis whether to participate in external formal programs recognizing eco school practices and any related certifications. Kenjgewin Teg currently participates in accreditation requirements from EcoSchools Canada as part of annual eco-school certification.
Kenjgewin Teg has adopted a formal policy in this area. For students, this means that feast bags are mandatory (as is the case for all employees and organizational events where meal or food service is being provided). Additional feast bags for use by guests attending Kenjgewin Teg is available.