Applying for Financial Support
You may be eligible for tuition and other student financial support based on your community’s education and post-secondary program policy and eligibility requirements.
If you are a member of one of Kenjgewin Teg’s member First Nations located on Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island), be sure to contact the administration office where you are a member and ask for post-secondary education service assistance to see if you are eligible for tuition and/or other financial support:
- Aundeck Omni Kaning
705-368-2228 - M’Chigeeng First Nation
705-377-5362 - Sheguiandah First Nation
705-368-2781 - Sheshegwaning First Nation
705-283-3292 - Whitefish River First Nation
705-285-4335 - Zhiibaahaasing First Nation
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
While a great source of financial assistance for students in Ontario, it is important for current and new students to fully understand their commitments and responsibilities when applying and accepting OSAP assistance. Financial literacy is important for students when considering OSAP financial support.
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) also has unique opportunities for Indigenous students and non-Indigenous post-secondary students who are residents of Ontario. Find out more information here:
If you would like to contact us as you plan your post-secondary studies, our team will do our best to assist you in meeting your goals (705-377-4342 / Kenjgewin Teg Student Services).