Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision

Mino-sami-kinoomaagasiwin! Kina gwaya
wiikamigaaso maanpii Anishinaabe
kinoomaagasiwin temgak.
Inspired learning! An Anishinabek place of
learning is a place for all.

Our Mission

Wii-aasigaabiwiitaagasiwat nwiiji-bemaadizijig wii-kinoomaagasiwad, wii-mino-kendamoowad kinoomaagewinan
miinwa Anishinaabemowin mii-dash ji-de mino-aankendamaagewad wii-mshkwo-gaabiwiitowad noonj gwaji-memi daaying, wii-mino-maajiishkaayin.
To build capacity of individuals through learning
opportunities, teachings and language acquisition
so that they will positively impact the growth
and development of our communities.

Our History

Our Past

In April 1994, two organizations merged on Manitoulin Island: the Waubetek Training Institute and Nda-Gkenjge-Gamig Educational Institute creating what is now known as Kenjgewin Teg. Kenjgewin Teg originated as an incorporated non-profit organization in Ontario with formal membership of six First Nation communities: Aundeck Omni Kaning (formerly known as Ojibways of Sucker Creek), M’Chigeeng First Nation (formerly known as West Bay First Nation), Sagamok Anishnawbek, Sheguiandah First Nation, Sheshegwaning First Nation, Whitefish River First Nation, and Zhiibaahaasing First Nation.

Kenjgewin Teg’s mandate in the 1990’s was asserted as supporting its member First Nations in delivering quality, comprehensive educational services, providing second level services not available at that time, deliver programs and promote professional development, and encourage public education fostering understanding through cultural exchange with other groups.

Team cheer while joining lacrosse sticks
Kenjgewin Teg graduation ceremony

Our Present

After 20+ years in providing its original mandated services in First Nation education, education transformation legislation and new policy from Canada (federal government) has affected Kenjgewin Teg’s role in providing its originally mandated second level services to its First Nation communities. During this federal policy change affecting First Nations elementary and secondary education, changes have also occurred within Ontario’s post-secondary sector too.

In 2017, the Indigenous Institutes Act recognized nine Indigenous Institutes in Ontario (which includes Kenjgewin Teg) as the province’s third pillar within its post-secondary system. The Indigenous Institutes Act, 2017 further creates a parallel quality assurance organization and related quality assurance processes for nine Indigenous Institutes in Ontario, which includes Kenjgewin Teg. The significance of a provincial quality assurance process is that Kenjgewin Teg may soon begin accrediting (developing and delivering) its own diplomas, certificates and degrees for post-secondary students. In 2020, Kenjgewin Teg initiated the first step of a required organizational review before it can submit new programs for accreditation to the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council. In January 2022, Kenjgewin Teg was declared an accredited Indigenous Institute in Ontario by the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council (IAESC).

Kenjgewin Teg continues its origins as an incorporated non-profit organization in Ontario currently with formal membership of eight First Nation communities: Aundeck Omni Kaning, Constance Lake First Nation, M’Chigeeng First Nation, Sagamok Anishnawbek, Sheguiandah First Nation, Sheshegwaning First Nation, Whitefish River First Nation, and Zhiibaahaasing First Nation.

Our Future

Kenjgewin Teg will continue to grow and emerge as a leader and place of learning excellence within Ontario, nationally and internationally. Kenjgewin Teg will grow, build capacity and expand its presence as a leader in teaching and learning innovation in Anishinabek (Indigenous) education programs and services. Located on beautiful Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island in Northern Ontario), the history of our land, ancestors, stories and traditional teachings will continue to guide Kenjgewin Teg in its future – a future where Anishinabek language (Anishinabemowin), culture and tradition become a part of every student’s identity that they will share with the world.

Kenjgewin Teg officials at a groundbreaking ceremony

About Mnidoo Mnising

Outdoor Wooden Eagle

Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island) is known by the Anishinabek people to be a special and sacred place. In its history, the Three Fires Confederacy is a longstanding political and military alliance consisting of the Ojibwa, Odawa and Potawatomi. This alliance remains in place today with many Anishinabek communities comprised of Three Fires Peoples such as those on Mnidoo Mnising and the north shore of Lake Huron, down to Walpole Island in southwestern Ontario.

Elders and Knowledge Keepers of Anishinabek Traditional Knowledge can be found on Mnidoo Mnising as well as many other parts of what is now known as Canada and the United States. The Anishinabek Migration Story shares Anishinabek history, origins, and how Mnidoo Mnising was the fourth of seven stopping places in the Anishinabek Migration Story.

As colonization of Indigenous peoples began because of Canada’s formal policies in the 1800’s, impacts have and continue to be felt by the Anishinabek people of Mnidoo Mnising. Many children were sent to the Spanish Residential Schools which operated between 1913 and 1965 under Canada’s Indian Residential School policy. In colonization, Treaties are also a part of Mnidoo Mnising’s history: the Manitoulin Treaty of 1836 (Bond Head); the 1836 Manitoulin Treaty; and the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850 which is now in litigation status.

Despite an oppressive history, the resiliency of the Anishinabek people remains. There are many community leaders, organizations and people who are members of Mnidoo Mnising communities who continue to remain true to their Anishinabek values and identity. The tribal council providing political advocacy for several First Nation communities located on Mnidoo Mnising is the United Chiefs and Council of Mnidoo Mnising. Amongst other significant achievements, such as creating many multi-sector organizations (which includes Kenjgewin Teg) mandated to serve Mnidoo Mnising communities, by the year 2030, the Council has stated that any person, Indigenous or non-Indigenous (Anishinabek or non-Anishinabek), who works in the Anishinabek Territory of Mnidoo Mnising will need to have some command of the Ojibwe Language, Anishinabemowin.  Anishinabek education sovereignty plays a key role in teaching and learning Anishinabek children, adults, and lifelong learners from all backgrounds and diversity  – and this is a role which Kenjgewin Teg, as one of many places of learning on Mnidoo Mnising, holds with great respect and humility. Mnidoo Mnising’s history, cultural and spiritual significance to the Anishinabek people play an important part of Kenjgewin Teg’s lifelong learning programs and services.

Geographically, Mnidoo Mnising is known as the world’s largest freshwater Island. It has more than a hundred inland lakes between its shores, and many of those lakes have islands. There are more than two dozen small settlements, First Nations and small towns spread out across more than 160 kilometers of boreal forest, lakes, rivers, shorelines, escarpments, and meadows. Manitoulin Island (known as Mnidoo Mnising to the Anishinabek people) is currently a popular tourism destination attracting visitors from around the world.