Message for All

Land. Earth. Shkagmikwe.

We know with certainty that Anishinabek and Indigenous Nations are people of incredible resilience!

Anishinabek people have had – and always will have – a connection to and be caretakers of Mother Earth. Our connection to the land and Shkagmikwe is the source of our undeniable and unbreakable resiliency.

Kenjgewin Teg will be sowing seeds for future generations of Anishinabek Nation citizens who grow and learn to become empowered, kind, honest, and always mindful of our original Anishinaabe instructions on how to ‘be’ from the Creator. This is who we want all of our graduates to be when they are out there in the world as they achieve and earn their certificates, diplomas and degrees!

Elder Josh speaking into a microphone
Group of people gathered in the teaching lodge

How can we ensure we are living by the Ngo Dwe Waanigizd Anishinaabe (the Anishinabek Nation preamble to the Anishinabek Constitution) in our Kenjgewin Teg Educational framework?

Debwewin & Learning Our Truth: Our Own Reconciliation

Anishinaabe Aadziwin is one of Kenjgewin Teg’s formally defined education framework components. It is also one foundational element in the organization’s worldview in delivery of our partner and soon-to-be own-accredited post-secondary programs in Ontario’s quality assurance prescribed guidelines by the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council. Kenjgewin Teg’s educational framework was articulated and summarized in 2017, titled Year 2020 & Re-Envisioning Its Future: Anishinabek Education Framework for Kenjgewin Teg – Geyaabi Waa Ni Zhiwebag.

The work ahead is of such magnitude and importance as we begin creating and credentialing our own diplomas, certificates and degrees; the foundational principles and teachings of Anishinaabe Aadziwin will be our guide. Debwewin, or “truth” is highly and intricately connected to Anishinaabe Aadziwin. As an Anishinabek governed and community-based post-secondary place of learning, Kenjgewin Teg assertively believes that learning the truth, or debwewin, about Anishinabek history and the outcomes of our past and present lived experiences is our first step forward as an organization in turning new keys toward our Nation’s future. Anishinaabe Aadizwin in our programs and place of learning links student thoughts and ideas together about themselves; personal connections are made in exploring their unique identity – and ways of how they want to be in the world.

At Kenjgewin Teg, Anishinaabe Aadziwin is in everything we strive to do.

Thinking of Enrolling? An Anishinaabe Aadziwin Message to Students

Once you are enrolled at Kenjgewin Teg as a student/ekinoomaagasijig in a pathways or post-secondary program, you will be invited to highly engage in many opportunities in your personal learning journey in Anishinaabe Aadziwin.



(We are walking the talk)

As an Indigenous or non-Indigenous student/ekinoomaagasijig of Kenjgewin Teg, Anishinaabe Aadziwin, and debwewin is about learning and connecting with your own personal, family, community and Nation’s truth. Understanding and gaining insight into the effects of historical trauma and the legacy of colonial policies are critical teachings for all students of Kenjgewin Teg, and we predict it will impact you in your future, and how you contribute and make change in the world after graduation. Supporting, encouraging and revealing a new generation of critical, respectful, and solution-oriented thinkers is part of what Kenjgewin Teg’s holistic education philosophy is all about.

This is why we believe Anishinaabe Aadziwin is for everyone. You will be engaging and learning about yourself in addition to academic learning within your program of study. We want to help you find your path toward revealing your personal unique and special gifts: Who Am I? Where Have I Been? Where Am I Going?

We are starting to acknowledge the history of where we are in our Nation to Nation relationship. Now we are in the process of educating other nations to recognize our own bundles of how we are connected to the land. Many nations are recognizing this by acknowledging what has taken place in history.

Thinking of Joining our Team? An Anishinaabe Aadziwin Message for Team Members

In the same way that students/ekinoomaagejik have their own personal learning journey with Anishinaabe Aadziwin, all of our team members and faculty have similar human resource performance learning expectations as part of personal and professional development as a team member of Kenjgewin Teg. All team members are invited to engage in many opportunities in Anishinaabe Aadziwin to support implementation of our formal, approved educational philosophies in Anishinaabemowin, Anishinaabe Aadziwin and as a trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive place of learning.

As a team member of Kenjgewin Teg you may find yourself learning side-by-side with our students in a collective Anishinaabe Aadziwin learning journey!

Anishinaabe Aadziwin. Education Our Way.

Kenjgewin Teg is recognized in the Indigenous Institutes Act, 2017. The way forward we have chosen in Indigenous education involves positively challenging current ideas, assumptions and existing systems about how we teach and learn and define student success. As an Indigenous place of learning, we are careful not to believe in ‘Indigenous student education gaps’ or ‘Indigenous student achievement gaps’ that often frames faults or deficiencies within learners, or their families, or their First Nation communities. We think it’s our places of learning, including Kenjgewin Teg, that need to change – and not only students/ekinoomaagejik.

To be sure, and undeniably – there are many challenges that must be overcome to have personal and community wellness. Kenjgewin Teg instead chooses to challenge existing education systems and policies that are in need of change. We believe the time is now to boldly continue challenging current education systems we’ve known for far too long, and policies and standards that have been in place for many decades. If we do this well at Kenjgewin Teg, Anishinaabe Aadziwin in our post-secondary education place of learning will be our measure of success in implementing our anti-oppressive education philosophy.

Being a part of creating and re-defining Anishinabek education sovereignty, as many other organizations are also doing – is exciting work!