Student Services Philosophy

We aim to provide an experience for our students that goes above and beyond the content of their chosen field of study. We believe that for our students to be successful, they will not only learn from presented instruction, but they will learn about themselves, through opportunities of self discovery, self care, and being a member of a thriving learning community.

At Student Services, we understand the value of striving for balance. We provide opportunities for students to create that balance in their lives, not only here on campus, but with the help and partnership of our local communities and affiliates.

We understand that our students carry their own history and story, as well as a shared history. We acknowledge that journey, and our opportunity to promote self awareness and self care for our students.

Teacher giving a lecture to a large group outside the teaching lodge

Our Environment

One of the first things that students and visitors notice when coming to Kenjgewin Teg is the environment. We wish to create and maintain an environment that our students feel welcomed to, and comfortable in. This is something that all members of Kenjgewin Teg feel a responsibility to uphold, and understand not only its benefits, but see it as a necessity to Student Life.

Direct Student Services

  • Student Check-ins – a starting point to implement supports, low/ lower risk intervention. Also, an opportunity for encouragement.

  • Peer Support Groups – students come together to support one another in a peer-led environment.

  • Academic Counselling – opportunity to discuss goals, required accommodations, creating plans and accountability.

  • Tutoring – working with identified staff and resources.

  • Student Kubebooths: large black Kubebooths are located in the student lounges at the Kenjgewin Teg main campus and the ASIRC building for the convenience of having private appointments via phone calls.

  • Attendance Monitoring/Intervention.

  • Clinical Counselling (virtual and in-person appointments).

  • Traditional Supports (Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Language Carriers).

  • Nurse Practitioner (virtual and in-person appointments).

  • External Referrals (students seeking a specialized service).

  • Advocacy.

Students and staff posing in orange t-shirts
Group of young people and their teacher seated around a drum

Anishinaabe-aadiziwin (Our Way of Life)

  • Traditional knowledge presented through various teachings, ceremonies, story-telling, language learning opportunities, and land-based experiences.

  • Students have opportunities each month to participate in Anishinaabe-aadiziwin learning opportunities.

  • Students who earn a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours are eligible to receive the ‘Anishinaabe-aadiziwin Distinction’ upon graduation from their respective program.

Student Nutrition

  • Our students are offered breakfast, a variety of nutrition break items, and lunch daily. Sometimes, these may be catered or be pot-luck style, especially during an event, ceremony, or other special occasion.

  • Student Pantry – students can access our student pantry at the main campus. It contains non-perishable food, personal hygiene products, and clothing items.

  • Cookhouse – traditional cooking opportunities are occasionally offered to students.

  • Sugar Shack – Students and the Anishinaabe-aadiziwin team harvest maple sap every spring and boil it into Maple Syrup.

Frying food over a fire