The Manitoulin Expositor
By Margery Frisch

LITTLE CURRENT—At the Manitoulin Hotel and Conference Centre, a familial atmosphere was evident on Tuesday evening, December 10, as students and staff of Kenjgewin Teg gathered to celebrate their achievements.

Debbie Debassige, dean of post-secondary education and training, led the proceedings, welcoming and acknowledging all departments of the school, all students present, the board of directors in attendance and visitors as well. Following the prayer, given by Board Member Ann Cada Hamelin, a buffet style dinner was served. “So, now everyone has to look under their chairs for a number to see which table will go first.” Some stared blankly, a few stood to lift their chairs, about to look underneath. “Just kidding,” Ms. Debassige said, and the room erupted in laughter.

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